HORSE, 2024
In music, ‘coda’ refers to a melody which is formally distinct from the main score, but still exists in harmony with the overall composition. An apt premise for the debut of our artists collective entitled CODA featuring Cynthia Edwards, Olivié Keck, Danielle Clough and Andrew Sutherland. CODA represents four established makers and close friends, each with their own unique visual language, uniting to produce an artists-led initiative focused on visual communion, creative exchange and mutual admiration. This collective was born out of friendship and a shared desire to weave together our wide range of skills sets and professional backgrounds into something innovative and playful. The fruits of this collaboration combine our distinct handling of textures, subjects, mediums and quirky proclivities to produce a cohesive and entirely new approach to the formal concept of what constitutes a ‘show’.
HORSE, 2024